Thursday, June 15, 2006


On the way to Insead, Ming asked "Are you nervous?". I said no. Instead, I felt hopeful and excited. It was a hot afternoon.

It seems to be the right place for me. A place filled with people from all sorts of background who are smart and fun. The way I see it is a "club med" cum business school. The cost is EUR70K and 10 months (including the opportunity cost of the time). And the benefit? A "stamp" of Insead on the forehead, big corporates "fighting" to hire you, plenty of new friends (from different locations), lots of partying, great deal of inspiration from peers, 10 months to live to France ("oh la la...") and chances for touring Europe. "What else to consider?", said the Insead students I met on the boat trip on River Seine.

Now, I am motivated to work on the application with full force. Study for GMAT, write application essays and save money.

Nothing is better than knowing a meaningful next step for myself. I am energised!

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