Saturday, January 30, 2010

Grocery bag

I always enjoy shopping at supermarket. It's considered as a meditation to the busy city life
And now, having half home-cooked dinner for two, grocery shopping gives an extra meaning to me.
Smile ~

Monday, January 25, 2010

I am back

2010 is going to be a good year!

being honest

in practice... and progressing well.

Friday, January 22, 2010


It could be frustrated when one encounters a low tide in life. Nevertheless, one finds comfort in having someone by your side, listening with feedbacks...

At the end of the day, having a companion makes a different. I am glad that I found mine.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sleepless in Seattle

I have watched the movie for over 20 times, on laser disc, dvd, Pearl, HBO or even plane. Last week, it was my first time sitting through over half of the movie with my back facing the screen.

Planning for our next holiday

The pleasure of the 5 days 4 nights Bali holiday begins!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

After missing hun for 21 days, we reunited.
I stood there at the street, awaiting for his arrival. The feeling was just beyond words when I saw him getting out of the car and approaching me. That one kiss meant everything to me. Hun is back!

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

reminiscence (new vocab taught by steph)

was talking to hun over the phone about fetching him from airport express. afterwards, while imagining i am going to help hun with the luggage, a hidden memory was recalled...

back in time, hun met me at Euston!? and sent me off to Heathrow. i could still recall his help with the heavy suitcase up and down the staircases...

have been taken good care of since back then...
5pf's D said :

well, you're wearing a mask when you don't say what you think everytime

New motto

Be unselfish.
Be attentive.
Be humble.

Friday, January 01, 2010

2010 繼續

On new year eve of 2009, I blogged : The most important thing to me is I should continue my journey by listening to my heart. I am not a material girl, I am a dreamy romantic pisces.

On the first day of 2010, I'd like to continue my journey by listening to my heart. I am still a dreamy romantic pisces. This year, I am lucky to have another romantic pisces to share my journey with.


an addition to the list