Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A handsome kissed my lips at lunch today!

Inspired by Julia, I am now into wearing pearls.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Julie and Julia

first of all, I love the tone and the rhythm of the movie. Like Sleepless in Seattle and You've got mail, it's about connection of strangers through mediums, letters, emails, phone calls, even books and blog. It is just an enchanting movie!

blog via my new toy...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

It's a box of assorted dark chocolate - bittersweet. That's what I always love.
Every single one gives me different feeling. Some of them are sophisticated; some are fun; some are bitter; some have layers; some are too sweet and some are just not my cup of tea.

I am gonna enjoy each of them with my heart and love. No rush, just enjoy!

Monday, April 19, 2010


My word for Cefalu is tranquility. In between the peaceful little lanes, locals live in harmony with visitors from all walks of life. The beautiful rhythm of the sea and the welcoming breeze draw wanderers to linger awhile.

Life could be this simple. Drive your gal on a scooter to the beach. Just dance and laugh til sunset. Or walk to the seashore with your honey, open a bottle of nice red wine, sit shoulder to shoulder on the step, make silly jokes about those dancing at the beach and enjoy all the way til dinner time.