Sunday, January 16, 2011

Had a lovely weekend.

Just that it was a bit shocking this morning while the stranger's invasion.

Sunday, January 09, 2011

My new year with hun started 4 days ago.

It was colourful!

Saturday, January 01, 2011

2011 resolution

Turing 34, I have the following resolutions:

1. cut down on fags (to be counted) and coffee (down to one per day)

2. balance diet and workout at least twice a week (three time would be ideal). Run another two 10Km race and break personal record (69m59s)

3. visit another 3 new destinations. Bali is on the list

4. put more thoughts into everything. think before acting/ speaking. (this is a bit hard to measure, but I will know)

5. nurture relationship with hun

6. manage emotion better
2010 new year resolution look back : -

1. Do more exercise - 3 times a week, including PE lesson. -> ur... more or less achieved til August 2010. This will be carried forward.

2. Drink less coffee (hopefully down to one a day), more water (mineral water). -> for sure I have been drinking more water... but less coffee...? C/F.

3. Keep up with the daily intake of vitamins and nutrients. -> I would say this is achieved!

4. Be direct and open about my feelings (with Hun) - messages should be related at the right time and right manner. -> room for improvement.

5. Explore 3 new destinations which I have never been... (ideally with hun). -> OK, Okinawa, Sicily... and Rome/ Milan if counted...

6. Be happy! -> To be worked on.
After not hearing from hun for over 90 hours, I finally got reconnected. Since then, I have received sms shower with new year wishes and sweet messages.

My new year wish for our relationship is growing it day by day...