Saturday, June 11, 2005

Connection at home

Finally I have setup the connection at home. I never enjoy better sitting at a smoke free enviornment and typing at my laptop. The best part is I never have to walk for 10 minutes and pass the messy traffic (even after 12am) to get home, because I am home. We only realise how lucky we were until we no longer possess.

Now I am laying on my stomach comfortably on bed and typing, la la la...

Sunday, June 05, 2005

I miss you all

Outside the window of a pay-by-hour internet cafe, the neon signs of street eateries in Taipei blink brightly. Pedestrians head in all directions on a Saturday evening. I am sitting in front of a connectedPC and typing my thoughts over a cup of greentea and a cigarette. At this moment, I am looking for someone to share the experiences of thetransitions in life.

Life has been hectic since the beginning of May. There were countless handovers, hangovers, packings, farewells, hugs, laughters and tears. The intensiveness of life has come to a new high. A brand new life is ahead of me to be explored. I am in the proces of adapting my new job, apartment, neighbourhood and faces. At the same time, memories of Singapore are still fresh.

Am I really excited about the move? Or would I rather cling to the new found relationships with the city and friends in Singapore? The answer is yet to be found... but from the bottom of my heart, I want to say "I miss you all"...