Saturday, December 31, 2005

Single Female

I was checking out the new Eslite flagship store at ShinYi. It was impressive to find the Peru 500 threads bed sheet selling at the ground floor.

I was happily browsing the books at the second floor. "I must buy at least one book", I told myself. It was in the air that you have to get something from this place, be it dine-in or take away. The travelling section caught my attention as my urge of touring Europe has never been stronger. Then I realise the best sellers are mostly "Lonely Planet Guide for Single Women", e.g. 12 must-go places in a lifetime for women; Travelling without a reason : a guide for women travelling alone; etc..

It seems that single women are the group with strong purchasing power especially in luxurious items like a Package to Angkor Wat, Cambodia. Yeah, girls studied hard and got a good job, then focused in climbing the corporate ladder. They then became successful, and independent. So independent that they rather enjoy being alone than with someone (or too busy to actually get to know anyone, yap, or...).

The point is, yeah, we are on our own, but definitely not alone. Being able to afford a Peru 500 thread counts queen size bed sheet, I do not mind sleeping on it all by myself meanwhile.

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