Thursday, May 15, 2008

My Favourite Magazine

After being away from home for 5 years, I would never take it for granted to having a newstand around the corner where freshly published magazines are lying there like a buffet meal.

Each weekend, I am trying to squeeze some solo time, sitting there under the natural sunlight, reading my magazines over a freshly brewed coffee. On flight (flying C without boss) is also a very good time to absorb the essence of magazines.

Here is a list of my favourite magazines: -

Ming Pao Weekly - book B : 沒有八卦, 只有娛樂/玩樂。新知, 潮流, 奢華, 科技, 所有敗家的。
Milk : bible to keep myself young
iMoney : 精讀一週財經。順便貼堆心水。
HK Mag : 勝在免費, 有expat feel, 吃喝玩樂。响星加坡都會睇SG Mag.
Jet Magazine : 有明報book B嘅影子, 不過衰在太重。 最喜歡是有一陣子在機場有賣細版, HKD15.
City Magazine : 型人既標志。又貴又大本。仲記得細個响大表哥(Yuppies 代表) 個房見過。最近反而有趣睇「生活」, 中國版號外。

1 comment:

Dan said...

this is a funny post for some reason. you do read quite alot of mags. :)