Friday, February 10, 2006


An uninvited female friend insisted to stay over night at my place for a few nights. Well, her excuse is she can't sleep alone while her flat mate is away.

For those who know me well, you can imagine how frustrated I could be. But, I am looking at the positive side of the incident. She is like a mirror to me and reminds me not to behave like her as it is extremely annoying. Here are the dont's:-
  1. ask one who she/ he was just chatting with over the phone after she/ he hanged up
  2. question whether one showered for the day (unless he is going to share your bed)
  3. repeat yourself over and over again
  4. assume you are invited when one is telling you his appointments for the day
  5. disbelieve one can actually go to work whatever time he likes
  6. comment about ones workload is too light (as you are in no position to judge unless you are working with him)
  7. say someone looks like a size 40 who actually wears 38, especially when the person is in the process of slimming
  8. talk too much of non-sence to a person in the first hour awake
  9. use interrogative sentences too often
  10. leave breathing space to your counterpart no matter he is a friend or a lover

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