Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Provocachic (sm) by Damian Sim

Inspired by the art form that challenged perceptions – Impressionism, a style that capture the essence of transient moments in unconventional compositions. Quote from

印象派 藝術的靈感, 誘發出一種捕捉瞬變的跨傳統風格.
从 印象派 艺术的灵感, 诱发出一种捕捉瞬变的跨传统风格.

5pf, time to learn some Chinese. 華語, cool!!!


5PF said...

anah! learning lah..
*rolls eyes*

dun juz write that one line some more to go..

Water said...

i know. this is just the beginning of it. it is a tough script to translate. I have to make it precise yet sound chic...