Monday, December 25, 2006
Marsian and Venetian
That's why we ended up watching Doha sailing game on TV that night with little conversation in between.
Merry Christmas
Everything turned out to be perfect, besides I only found out when I got home I ran out of spaghetti. So I made "pesto al instand noodles" instead.
Merry Christmas.
Turn left, turn right
Became deaf and dumb since carrying the rock. Fighting alone, finding justifications for the instance love and hate. Without any alternative, hypnotise oneself during weekdays nine to seven.
Waking up, feeling human again after the instance love and hate. Isolated oneself from the outside world in confusion of the bitter sweet resulted from falling in love with a self-projection.
Both would carry their rock until they reach a desserted place, then leave it there when no one sees and move on.
Christmas 2006, Taipei
Still, I tried to kept my schedule occupied. Through out the day, I was busy thinking.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Self Hypnosis
Thursday, December 21, 2006
P.S. Cafe
I ordered myself a "Coconut and Caraway Waffles" starked with saute bananas and crispy bacon dizzled with natural maple. Can anything be more sinful than this? Then I set my eyes with the decorated pine tree in the middle of the cafe, appreciating the fragrance of fresh pine. Yeah, we have sat there for as long as we want. That's simply luxurious!

The hell with love
you fit into me
you fit into me
like a hook into an eye
a fish hook
an open eye
Margaret Atwood
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
Why I hate Singapore (as reminded this round)
- Queuing at Cold Storage. The super slow cashier took 5 mins, counting the thousand cents paid by the one customer in front of me.
- Insecure Taxi driver who showed impatient about waiting on meter for 3 mins.
- Pouring in the midst of day and all cabs are "ON CALL".
- At 3:45pm, 8 people were in line for special customer service at DBS Orchard branch. At 4:45pm, still 8 people in the line.
- Smell old coconut oil cooking banana at the underpass connecting Tang's, Scott Rd and Orchard Rd.
- Bad traffic into Orchard combine with lay-back cab driver.
- Limited TV channels to flip. Chanel 5, Chanel 8 and Chanel News Asia.
I wish I could stay longer to find out more to add to the list above.
Tour of self discovery
- Sailing race live on TV could not be borer than Diving.
- Starhub sucks.
- Lychee martine at Wine Bar is still the best.
- I am different (or outright weird) and that is not my fault.
- Mistakes shouldn't be repeated.
- 5 days in Singapore is still too short to do everything I wanted.
- The feeling is super good having a hair do before wedding banquet.
- Get the hint early and stop pursuing (point well shared with S.H. who learnt from the same mistake)
- (this is nothing new but is quadruple confirmed) a GOOD friend is someone who is still willing to lend her listening ears and give constructive comments even if she knew it is the same story repeated for the seventh time.
LOST in the air
Be it true or be it a white lie from a kind hearted person, it makes little difference to me. Sometimes, some messages better kept unread. It could be good to everyone if it was just lost in the air.
7:30 am
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Wireless @ SG
I have to admit, the feeling of getting "connect" is soooo.... warm. Opps, that's sick.
Friday, December 15, 2006
If I were living in the world of Harry Potter
I am born to be a muggle and it is proven for dozon failures of running through the same white wall. Repeatedly, it resulted to be me sitting on the ground in helplessness, bleeding in pain. But I am a stubbornly persistant person and believe I could be the ultimate invisible man.
I kept practising the magic of walking through the wall and hope one day I can do it. I thought I have learnt it in the past 15 months and should be able to handle it.
Okay, I annouce another failure. The injury is not as bad as before. May be the skin is thinkened as I grow old.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Second episode
After the show, everybody went home as usual. No take away, no afterthought nor further discussion on the plot is needed.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Oct 1999
Although he will no longer be working in the same organisation, we will still be good brother-sister.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Get set, Go
Things may be a bit different this time, but there is still the same level of excitement. I am busy getting prepared over the weekend. Haircut, facial, manicure, christmas shopping etc. I even got myself a book to read for the trip. I am so excited to head on a holiday which I am going to spend every minute the way I want, with people that I love and at places that I like.
Yeah, remember to get my camera charged and it's time to bring my suitcase out for packing.
Friday, December 08, 2006
陽光 滲著微塵 輕輕暖透 我的心
床邊 縱是無人 收到你這信 亦最吸引
像你的聲音 自遠而近 我是份外入神
逝去的光陰 又再重溫 故事段段動人
難忘是當天你 在無風的秋季
別去的一剎 留低的一切
像往昔一切 回憶的洗禮
這感覺 是最珍貴
黃昏 看著途人
收到你這信 亦最吸引
像你的聲音自遠而近 我是份外入神
逝去的光陰又再重溫 故事段段動人
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
另一方面,蛋黃自攝氏64 度開始黏稠, 70 度完全熱凝固. 所以若以這些溫度資訊來看,在攝氏70 至75 度水中煮蛋就可獲得溫泉蛋。
Monday, December 04, 2006
shake head
Why am I so frustrated?
What I should do is, to take a deep breathe, think and then talk.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Dance like no one is watching
Love like you'll never be hurt.
Dance like no one is watching.
Quote from Satchel Paige
Friday, December 01, 2006
Tuesday : Moet, moet and shanghainese. Great ambience at MP, a champagn guy never leave our circle more than 10 meters, getting ready to refill our empty glasses. Running here and there checking out the secret VIP areas of the place was fun.
Wednesday : Back Acrh at yoga. My lower back was screaming while I worked to raise it. Once I straightened my arms and bended my upper body, I felt like an aeroplane just took off from the running, leaving the rough path and reveal to a bright blue sky.
Thursday : Laughing out loud. Watching "Whose line is it anyway" live at Carnegies, I was laughing so hard. After the show, I was walking home alone and realised that I have not laugh for a long time. What a destressed!
Monday, November 27, 2006
almost 4000 hits
Busy week. Opening cocktail at MP tomorrow. Yoga or dinner with Carol on Wednesday. "Whose line is it anyway" live at Carnagies on Thursday. Champagn lunch (all-you-can-drink moet) on Friday (wonder if I can take afternoon off). On top of that, I have two major projects on hand - makeover and tidy my house and preparing my homemade Christmas gift for close friends.
One more, a special one might visit Taipei next week......
Meanwhile, I am listening to 張敬軒 over and over on my little white.
Kitchen - The cupboard is not big enough, so all my dishes (big and small) are stacked together without order. So, I bought a dish stand and 2 plastic decks. With these, I tidy up my kitchen cupboard. I replaced the oversized shelf with a right sized one for my utencils and instand noodles.
Living Room - got 4 new cushion covers. Winter theme.
Store Room - major made over. I am planning to turn my store room into a walk in closet. So I have bought 2 racks for hanging clothes. And shift the oversize shelf from kitchen to put my jeans and knits.
Bedroom - I bought a few plastic basket to sort my small items.
Bathroom - I have bought a little stick-on-the-wall dish for my little green sponge; two plastic containers for my one-day disposible contact lens, one for left and one for right :)
My place is now awefully messy. I will spend the next days to tidy it up. Once I am done, I will show you how it looks.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Foolish game
Today, the sad truth is set in front of me. Through out the phone conversation, I found him being illogical and inconsistence in all aspects. I pointed it out and he argued back. The way he talked convinced me he is a bit abnormal. You know. Just like the movie "Sixth Sense", being so scared of ghost through out the whole movie, Bruce Willis found that he himself is actually "the ghost" at the end. I always heard about his complaints of his other half being unreasonable. Has anybody ever thought of the problem is actually on him?
Afterall, I should be glad that I was not involved in this foolish game and never bet my future on an untruthful.
You took your coat off and stood in the rain, You were always crazy like that
I watched from my window,
Always felt I was outside looking in on you
You were always the mysterious one
With dark eyes and careless hair, You were fashionably sensitive, but too cool to care
You stood in my doorway, with nothing to say
Besides some comment on the weather
Well in case you failed to notice, In case you failed to see, This is my heart bleeding before you, This is me down on my knees, these foolish games are tearing me apart
Your thoughtless words are breaking my heart
You're breaking my heart
You were always brilliant in the morning. Smoking your cigarettes, and talking over coffee
You philosophies on art, baroque moved you,You loved mozart and youd speak of your loved ones
As I clumsily strummed my guitar
Excuse me, guess I've mistaken you for somebody else
Somebody who gave a damn, Somebody more like myself
You took your coat off and stood in the rainYou were always crazy like that
"Foolish games" ~ jewel
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Desire, to me, is a very powerful engine in life. Only if there is desire, that motivates one to work for satisfaction. Earn money to satisfy my materialist desire; Crame myself with GMAT to satisfy my desire in academic advancement; Please another person to satisfy my desire of love. In economics terms, theory bases on assumption of human having unlimited desire, yet there is limited resources. Therefore there is scarcity and one has to make choice.
In contrary, in Buddhsim, desire lies at the root of suffering. By desire, Buddhists refer to craving pleasure, material goods, and immortality, all of which are wants that can never be satisfied. "菩提本無樹,明鏡亦非臺;本來無一物,何處惹塵埃."
There is no right or wrong. It's all about one's choice and be responsible for his choice.
All day Brunch
Without haste, my friend and I were sitting at the restaurant, enjoying the egg dishes, toast and coffee, chatting under the day light for hours. I had two brunches in a row on Sat and Sun, at Diner and 好樣餐桌.
Slow down, take your time and enjoy life.

Thursday, November 16, 2006
extraordinary news
A long lost teddy asks me out for dinner on the day I arrive Singapore. Even offer to pick me up from the airport *o*
boss gave me a pad on the shoulder and said the company recognised my effort. I will be rewarded properly *O*
I have just seen the picture of my best buddy's better half. *0*
I have had enough of it and hope this is it for the week.
Monday, November 13, 2006
It's photoshop time again
Friday, November 10, 2006
The apprentice
Watching until 1 or 2am very night, I have some take aways definitely.
- one shouldn't get too emotional with his or her work and workmates. Head should dictate over heart.
- one should love his or her task and believe in what he or she is selling, otherwise one will not do well in his or her job.
- Negotiation is one of the most essential skill to be possessed
- Manage your boss, to the very minute.
Get real, go to bed now. Be at work on time tomorrow.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Life-long partner
Powered on my computer and surfed the web. In "Friendster", I came across three newly wedded who have published their steaming fresh photos from their banquet. In the same week, I was told about two divorces and met the divorced men (why "divorcee" only describes women?). In both cases, children are affected.
What about me? I felt suffocated when thinking of it. Is marriage a stage of life one must go through? Just like an undergrad degree? (must-have; without one, life is kinda tough) Or an MBA? (good to have, yet also needs to consider the ROI and oppportunity cost of pursuing).
On Saturday, I watched "the Banquet" on DVD at home. The movie presented another extreme of marriage, a tool for power, fame and wealth, nothing related to love.
At the end of the day, is it more important to find someone to marry to, or to find love? I think having ones wedding pictures shot in Italy is nothing to be proud of.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Then, I went to the newly opened cafe outside my apartment. I had a cup of milk tea and beef noodle, along with the latest issue of "Milk". I rushed to load my brain with the words I scanned through my eyes. I am too hungry for spiritual food after five days of junk.
Saturday is the best day in a week.
Just like a 40-year-old would no longer be able to hear the high pitch ring tone (test if you are young enough to hear). Everyone has the hearing ability to such pitch since they were born. The ability is then gone as it has not been used. After reading about this, I am scared that I might no longer be creative if I keep suppressing my ideas as they pop up at my work cubicle.
One day, I would be satisfied with producing "can painting" (罐頭油畫).
Remark: about the topic, yes, it is irrelevant to my article.
Remote yet close; strange yet familar; distant yet intimate. The contradictions just amplify consciousness in life.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
Love Paris
I only made one comment "I think Paris is a nice city", the couple besided me bladded their way down the escalator, saying "oh, I have been to Paris for so many times but I never find it beautiful. I think New York is better."; "How come everybody love Paris? Everybody says Paris is nice but I never share that." Well... I kept quiet. I didn't want to let them know that I thought the comments they made just reflected how shallow they were. Too shallow to accept differences of others.
While the city appeared on the theatre screen, I had an idea. I want to make Paris as another familiar city as Taipei, Singapore, Hong Kong or Tokyo to me.
Is it for others to judge if you live a successful life or not? What are the "criteria" for a successful life? Fame, money, love, health, knowledge? If a person got one of the above yet has forgone the rest, is this person leading a successful life? Is the result more important than the process?
Well, these are philosophical questions.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Life is not perfect
可以做的只有把自己的做好, 向目標前進.
Friday, October 20, 2006
random thoughts
A lot have happened around me. Yeah, they didn't happen to me, but around me. I was witnessing all these as a third person. Seemed like watching people riding on roller coaster. Wedding, new job, passing exam, vacation, receiving flowers...
Life is not the same for me. New hair style brings new life, new glasses, new shoes and new bag.
The weather is getting cooler. Autumn reminds me it is a new round of life in Taipei. It is my favourite time of the year.
Together with my sister, I would like to show my gratitude to our father. He is working very hard for the best of his two beloved daughters.
The desire to advance is still strong, yet the timetable is slightly adjusted. It is for the better.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Kimu Taku
click here to view
here as well
and here too
news: 由日本雜誌「anan」舉辦的「最受歡迎男星」選舉,木村拓哉已連續13年拿下第一寶座
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Summary of Strategists:
- Quiet, easy-going and intellectually curious
- Use logical, objective thinking to find original solutions to problems
- Think of themselves as bright, logical and individualistic
- May be impractical, forgetting practical issues, such as paying bills or doing the shopping
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Today - a turning point
Sunday, October 08, 2006
This is an escape. An escape from finding the answer, from the fear.
What if letting everything status quo? Nothing is wrong.
I cannot look into my eyes in the mirror.
One failure decided my fate? Just one failure.
I do not owe anyone any answer. If I do, I owe it to myself.
By end of next week, I will find myself two.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Norah Jones
With my eyes closed, I could feel the light running outside the train window.
My clock always has the same problem. Both the hour and minute arms are turning anti-clockwise occassionally...
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
My father once told me, according to the Buddist saying, the probability of 2 related person meeting is extremely low. Don't know where the statistic comes from, he said, the next time you meet the person who sat next to you on star ferry this morning will be 200 million years later. Well, that shows how precious for you to meet someone and become friends (not to mention becoming boyfriend/ girlfriend)...
Thank you for all the friends I met on the road I travelled in the past 36 months...
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Two weeks ago, I decided to unplug and kill the 8-year relationship, as I did not see any point to continue giving endlessly. I am tired to be the one always taking the initiative. If he doesn't care, why should I?
I bury all the memories with no regret. I am just hopeless, period.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
2 faces of Eve
Thinking Jay's new song deserves the top of the billboard, while asking why David Tao's can't stay at the top for longer...
Working my ass off on GMAT. Telling my boss I am going to devote 120% effort for the bank.
Knowing the fact that I am running out of time for the GMAT preparation, I am still laying my eyes on "The Amercian next top model"...
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Simply heartwarming
At lunch, I was giving an exaggerating speech in front of my customers. At the corner of my eyes, I saw him from his back. I thought I have mistaken. His sms to me said I was correct.
Anyways, after waving good bye to my clients, I quickly ran to the meeting place, sat down and ordered myself a coffee. Within minutes, he was there sitting beside me. We started chatting about everything. Topics ranged from coffee without sugar, how much is my rent, fat girl vs smart fat girl, pastime, Singapore... Just half an hour coffee break, I felt like coming out from a therapy.
Well, nothing complicated, it was just a heartwarming coffee break.
The agenda
This is a record of the low tide of my "career". I could be laughing at this entry by next September.
I have been the golden boy. It's time for me to learn a lesson. To learn that I am too honest, too much of integrity. These are the basic values in life, but not necessary valuable in the living jungle. Too bad that I am not the kind of person who can sleep well after covering up lies with bigger lies.
From today on, no genuine smile will be found in the office (well, office ain't a place for genuine smile, if you need one, do it at home). Everything is a fake. Just as faking an orgasm as you are pay to spread your legs and to satisfy your customer. In exchange, it is money.
It is just 11 minutes. Everything will be alright afterwards.
At the dinner table tonight, everyone seems to have something to bitch about their job but me. I am just indifference. I have no feeling nor passion about my job. I am just faking it. I am just faking it for the money.
Monday, September 11, 2006
What is in a relationship?
Hang loose and click to view a cross over clip of Sex and the City and Matrix from YouTube: When Carrie meets Neo...
Sunday, September 10, 2006
when I still enjoyed swimming...
I used to be in the school team and my specialty is free-style. I could finish 50 meter in 36 seconds. That was history.
I seem to be motivated when competition exists. To prove that I could do better than the others, I am willing to put extra effort. Just as now, I am spending most of my time preparing my GMAT. It is a competition too. BTW, I got 590 this week. Getting better.
Well, now I know why I am dragging myself to work everyday without enthusiaum.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Thursday, September 07, 2006
I am not alone...
My hot topic of coures is GMAT. I am reading latest discussions every night before bed. From the forum, I learn others study strategies and plans. Then I adjust mine a bit accordingly. Peer influence is very important. Reading the discussion encourages me through the painful time (not that I am very hard working, yet I have also sacrefised my "The Apprentice" re-runs on TV)
Here is a quote which enlightened me: -
First and foremost, you have to keep reminding yourself that your GMAT score is a direct function of the time and effort you put into preparation. Sure, you need a fair amount of intelligence.
The more I studied, the more I became convinced of this simple fact -- your score is NOT an intelligence gauge, it is a reflection of how well you have prepared for this specific test, how good you've become at answering GMAT questions. It's quite a narrow study area, and it CAN be mastered.
If you don't already have an 800 score, realize that every hour of preparation will improve your ability to score high on the GMAT.
quoted from
Monday, September 04, 2006
blur like sotong
English / Singlish
Hello, here is my passport. / Nah.
Where do I go to collect my luggage? / Take bag go where, ah?
You mean chewing gum is prohibited in Singapore? / Gum cannot, meh?
What shall we have for dinner this evening? / Tonight eat what, ah?
I' m open to suggestions. / Anything also can.
Do you have a reservation? / You early-early call, not?
Yes, it's reserved under the name “Tan”. / My name 'Tan'!
This way to your table, please. / Come!
What would you recommend? / Here got what, ah?
Our speciality is fine European haute cuisine. / Ang mor makan, lor.
Would you recommend this dish? / This dish how, ah?
It's alright. / Can, lah.
The steak here is exceptional. / Here the steak is tok kong.
We also have a fine selection of pasta. / Also got mee.
Perhaps the fettucine or linguine? / Mee pok, mee kia, also got.
Would you care to sample our desserts? / You want lizard?
May I have the bill, please? / (mime signing cheque)
The prices here are rather steep. / Wah, here damn ex, man.
Next time, I'd rather eat at a hawker center. / Go hawker center also better!
Singish was what disgusted me first when I settled in the country. But, it was also what I carried away with when I left the country.
Before, I knew her as the daughter of Francis Coppola. She directed movies like Virgin Suicide, Lost in Translation (one of my favourite movies under the "heavy" catagory) and recent Marie Antoinette.
Besides being a director (the first female nominee ever for Oscar best director), she is also a designer, a photographer and a "muse" (products inspired by her, e.g. Sofiamini). She is an "icon" who people follows. Whatever item picked by her, be it a handbag or a pair of panties, it will become the trend. What impressed me was this: "a New York girl who never boost about how many pairs of Manolo she has and insists to wear flats as she likes. She has such heck care attitude simply because she wore Chanel since 11"
lost and found
Then I walked into the store room again and saw the little belt hanging on the back of a chair. I found it. I went back to my bed and sleep.
By the way, during the search, I found the long lost treasury bag, which contains two bracelets and one necklace from Tiffany. They were lost for about a year and have been written off.
Talking about lost items, ask 5pf what happened to me when my phone went missing at my apartment. I am just feeling insecured.
After the test, I was wondering alone at Citysuper for a bit. Checking out the stationaries which are nicely displayed at store for the new school year. I like the pencils!
I always want to share this with you (but have forgotten for a few times): -
David Blaine, the street magician. I can non-stop watching him to repeat the same tricks to different ppl on AXN for at least an hour. I like the way he approached his "audience". He goes "can I show you something?"...
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Lock to be Free
It sounds contradicting? But it is true.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Back to normal
I am down with flu. Haven't been that sick for a long time. Must be due to lack of workout and too much unhealthy food.
Now, I have to put myself together and work hard. New management will be on board soon. A lot more of bull shit is needed to impress the new boss.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Talking to a new found friend today about booking flight. I told her that I must seat at the aisle. The reason is, I have to be in total control of staying or leaving my seat anytime I like. I was not aware until I was on the way home today that the idea actually reflected my view of life.
In life, I feel such a strong urge to leave my "seat" and take a walk. To stretch my legs and get freshen up. My muscle crams; My brain is not working. I need new inspiration, new ideas, new motivation and new goal in life.
I wanted to unbuckle and step out so much, but there are too many constraints and ocncerns. I am working hard to settle the issues, then I am free. That day is not too far away.
Long time no see
I haven't been updating my blog for a long time. There are few reasons.
I am working real hard with my GMAT. The mock test result was not satisfactory and I better put more effort in my revision. Sigh... may be I have ran out of luck in exams...
My test will be taken place in October 2nd (which I have postponed for 2 weeks by paying USD50).
I am spending as much time as I could with my lovely sister. She is my best buddy. She is going to return back to Mancester soon and I am not going to see her until next summer probably.
Forgive me for not writing as frequent. There are other priorities on hand right now.
Monday, August 14, 2006
20 years of experience VS one year experience repeated 20 times
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Friday, August 11, 2006
Recently read and watched
Eleven minutes - Paulo Coelho
Devil wears Prada - Lauren Weisberger
Freconomics - Steven Levitt
Meanwhile, Emotional Intelligence - Daniel P. Goleman
Other books lining up at my bed side
Working with Emotional Intelligence (as per MS' request)
Alchemist - Paulo Coelho (highly recommended by BH)
The World is Flat - Thomas Friedman
I should read more. Hope I can become more interesting as a result.
Monday, August 07, 2006
200th entry

Here is a picture of the flower I gave to a new found friend as birthday present.
Today, I spent total upto an hour at the florist to QC the arrangement. I appreciated the process as much as the result. Dealing with demanding customer like me, the florist business can barely make profit. So, I decide to own a florist only after I retired with plenty of money (instead of spending on the Latin dance instructor). Of course, I would hire specialists to do the flower arrangement. I could just stand by them, and give instruction without getting my hands dirty.
Time to go to bed. Dream on...
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
The most unromantic thought I have ever had
Well, such "unromantic" idea bears the same effect as speed dating, S.D.U., match making agent and This is a sign of desperation, a sign of realise the fact that I am getting old.
I found myself not "sophisticated" enough cos' there isn't much interesting for me to talk about. I guess, I could be considered as boring.
Wait, is simple the complexity?
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Thursday, July 27, 2006
I am old
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
It was fun sitting in class again. The instructor looks like Mr. Monk, who wore a short sleeves checker shirt, high waist kahki and a pair of plastic slippers. He is from Cleveland and speaks heavy western American English.
I think I need to dig out the gramma books that I used in Form 1 and 2 (Green, Orange and Yellow). Revise the difference between present perfect and past perfect tense...
470, its a shame. Sigh...
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Gain weight
Let's drink more water and tea starting tomorrow. Have vegetarian lunch starting Wednesday (cos' I have lunch commitments tomorrow and day after). Start yoga in August.
I still find it touching even if I knew the storyline and the ending. The script is more or less the same as the Korean version but a bit localised to the Chicago backdrop. Dreamy me enjoyed the movie a lot, even more than the Korean one, as it just met my expectation 101%.
Find part of the soundtrack here
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
White II
Friday, July 14, 2006
Who cares!?
I was trashed at work today. Chemical in my brain was messed up which brought up some silly thoughts. I called my friend, being certain that she won't judge me no matter how silly I am (she has seen worse). I just need a confirmation from her. When I made the whining noise over the phone, both of us started laughing and the image of me hanging at her partition in the past (when we shared the same office) came up to both our mind.
Just a phone call away, her voice is just like my tranquillizer.
And I just found out she teared at the same movie trailer as I did, although we were thousands miles away.
I am looking forward to our true reunion in March 2008.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
What's next?
iboss submitted her resignation on 3rd, and left by 5th. Now, I am all alone in the department. In the coming days, I have to represent the team, i.e. me, myself and I, in front of senior mgmt.
Meanwhile, I am hoping to have someone in front as my shield. Am I ready to take a step and stand on the stage alone? Preparation, preparation and preparation.
I should go for a big breakfast to start my day tomorrow. Yeah, I should do that.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
I believe
I came across the horoscope love guide. It says, when pisceans encountered failure (or depression), they tend to look for satisfaction through art, e.g. drawing, music, literature or design etc. From there, they are able to reach spiritual peace.
... nodding head... That's why I am writing now.
I have to confess about my curiousity in dating a pisces. Talking to him, I seemed to see through his mind. I saw myself. Scary, isn't it?
Monday, July 10, 2006
Date with Drew
I have a dream and am in the process to realisation. Yap, I am full of courage to make it true! As Brian said, it is a quest. Nothing is impossible, including dating your teenage idol crush!
The Lake House
I have to confess that I was a fan of Keanu, since "My own private Idaho" (til Speed). Click here to play preview of "the Lake House". Listen to the sound track, it's Keane's "Somewhere only we know". I was touched.
Friday, July 07, 2006
Here are a few examples that I've encountered (and heard from others) just today: -
- refuses to take up tasks suppose to be done by him/ her.
- no credibility in his/her words, i.e. duckspeak -> saying things for the sake of saying it.
- leaving the job without a word to anyone.
Well, who to blame?
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Hidden Camera
But I do think the bank should have set a camera today at my client's office. The reason is I think I have done a very good job today handling a threat. I rather stuck my neck out then being threatened. The senior management should witness how I have handled the situation today. Damn the video taken at the training.
I am happy about myself as my long gone fire at work is back for a moment.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Saturday, July 01, 2006
An absolute contrast color to black. Not neccessarily carrying the opposite emotion. To me, white is quiet, fear and hollow; Indifference, uncertainty and helplessness.
Going to work is just like entering into a big white room which floor, wall and ceiling are painted in white.
I belong in London!?
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
It was Megan who introduced Keane to me over a year ago. Since then, I have been listening to them. Dreamy-me just entered into the no man zone when i listen to their songs.
Keane's first album "Hopes and Fears" was released May 2004. Simply looking at the song titles, I can assure you, these are the songs besides James Blunt and Damian Rice that I play over and over again and have the melody and lyrics embraced me; Somewhere only we know, We might as well be strangers, Everybody is changing.
I was so excited to see the new released album and bought it without second thought. Come on, buying original CD is a big consideration these days.
The power of Softhard
No subject
my buddy has left for his new assignment overseas today. bidding farewell to him on the phone briefly. Feeling empty. my best wishes to him!
A number of my cancerian friends are going to have their birthdays. I am not sure if I am going to greet each one of them. For some of them, I flet the friendship has just fallen apart. may be its out of sight out of mind. it is surely a test for real friendships. And with some of them, mistakes were made before my last visit. Sigh... may be I just have to learn the fact that I am living in this cruel reality.
Friday, June 23, 2006

Before I went to Mumbai, I bought a bottle of 1.5 litre mineral water. I have heard enough stories about "food poisoning". Arriving at mid night, the street was surprisingly busy. There were people wandering on the street and homeless sleeping at the pedestrian path. We were brought to the Inter Continental by the sea which we spent the next two days for training.
Out of expectation, we got half day off. The three girls exchanged some rupee and headed out to "Gateway of India" for shopping. A little history on "Gateway of India"; it was built by George V to remember the port which the British first entered into the country. Further down the road, there are stalls lining up, selling clothes (those white indian style shirts selling at one tenth of Zara's price); bags with excellent embroideries and beads; shoes; accessories; shawes; antique and stationaries.
On the street, there were a lot of children beggers. Here is the story of my entercounter with one, a single eyed boy. He kept padding on my arm and said "Hello, I don't want your money. Just buy me milk. I want milk." I went on without looking at him as I knew I am softhearted. He kept on asking from one block to the next. At the third block, I started speaking Cantonese to him and hoped that he would give up. But he didn't. Finally, until the fifth block, I took out some chewing gum and placed it on his little palm. Then he disappeared. In the bottom of my heart, I hope he didn't swallow...
Late afternoon, we were walking along the seaside, I dropped my jaw when looking at the sunset. It could be as beautiful no matter how developed the country is. That's the power of nature.

Thursday, June 22, 2006
My impression of Mumbai is generally alright. May be I had expected worse. Lacking of sufficient preparation and not being able to collect myself from holiday mood, I was not doing extremely well in the training. No one to blame but myself. I was just over-confidence. Well, it is good to give myself a good bash and to realisation that there is a distance away from true success. Isn't it just make life more challenging and interesting?
I have to admit that shopping in Mumbai was good. Things are just cheap and nicely done.
Well, the "free internet" access is prompting me that the session will be ended in 3 mins. Let me close this by saying, "I feel much better to air out my frustration of not flying business class".
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Sleepless nights
A lot of things were in my mind.
I had a reflection on the friendship with my best male friend (yeah, a platonic relationship). I met him for dinner last night as he is going away for new work assignment soon. I don't know when would be the next time we meet.
Well, it might be the right time for me to step back and give ourselves sufficient space.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
It seems to be the right place for me. A place filled with people from all sorts of background who are smart and fun. The way I see it is a "club med" cum business school. The cost is EUR70K and 10 months (including the opportunity cost of the time). And the benefit? A "stamp" of Insead on the forehead, big corporates "fighting" to hire you, plenty of new friends (from different locations), lots of partying, great deal of inspiration from peers, 10 months to live to France ("oh la la...") and chances for touring Europe. "What else to consider?", said the Insead students I met on the boat trip on River Seine.
Now, I am motivated to work on the application with full force. Study for GMAT, write application essays and save money.
Nothing is better than knowing a meaningful next step for myself. I am energised!
back to reality
I have spent 2 days in St. Sebestian, 5 days in Barcelona, 2 days in Fountainbleau and 5 days in Paris. The trip was fulfilling, yet expensive. I was reminded once again why am I working so unwillingly in the current office. I am bartering my time and brain-cell for money.
Write more about each location in the next entries.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Out of office
For more update, please check Adventure of King Ming blog
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Without eleboration, both Pisceans fell into a romantic illusion for a minute or so. One of us woke up and cut short the conversation.
Well, both Pisceans know it won't work. A distance should be kept between us to avoid any causalty.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Getting old...
Well, so far, the result is within expectation, yet life is more "interesting" than being alone always. Life moves on if there is no chemistry and continues with the search in the "people sea".
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Mystery solved
Tonight, we went to the opening of Tcing Tcing (some bar opened by local celebs). Guest who I ran into at the bar - the real purpose of Ziga Zaga. Oh my god! Again, "Nearly all the best things that came to me in life have been unexpected, unplanned by me."
This was the first time to meet him outside his work place and out of his black fitted suit. He gave me this gentle stroke on my arm made me wonder if he is straight... or he is simply trying hard to be seductive... :p
Curiosity kills. But once the mysterious of a person is gone, it feels sour.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Love me, love me not
Chats, laughters, smoke and free flow of champagne were brought along into my dream.
I stepped into the dimly lighted apartment. The table was set for dinner with candle lights. He was busy preparing our dinner. Simple pasta served with chilled white wine. The conversation was delightful.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
A few thoughts to share before bed
- Among friends, there are roles to play. Listener, head nodder, care taker, counselor and simply a talker (just talk don't listen). I am lucky to have one very good listener. May be its my turn to listen to someone who love to talk but have no patience to listen. Its all about give and take
- The bad thing about me (which I believe is inherited from Mom) is that if you have no patience to listen, then I would rather keep things to myself, period
- A long waited MSN conversation was taken place tonight. It was brief yet lightened my heart a lot. Well, sometimes, all we need is just to know the one over the other side is doing fine
- Da Vinci Code movie is okay. I will rate it 3.5 stars out of 5
- "Rainbow Connection" was playing in my ipod. The voice of Kermit reminds me of my dear listener
- Good night
Sunday, May 14, 2006
I felt like an idiot as I scratched my head and couldn't figure out the answer.
I hope "practice makes perfect" is true.
Friday, May 12, 2006
Left work at six sharp
Last night, I was offered two alternatives. He would decide his next stop according to my choice, Macau or Malaysia. Well, this is just a joke. Am I that influential to make such important decision? Okay, let's say if I could really make the call, where would I chose? I would chose the third place, by my side.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
iboss II
She is trying hard to pick on me and so she found the chance when approving my expenses. Here are her comments: -
Phone Bill (less than TWD3000 each month) -> Please make sure to identify each phone call (on the phone bill) next time; Try to use "fixed line", it is cheaper.
Cab fare (less than TWD2500 each month) -> Please try to best utilized our department car. Try to use the time slot when the car is free to visit clients.
Lunch bill -> Make sure the money is well spent on client with good business potential and deals monitization.
Okay, in another words, I should sit there and do minimal marketing for cost control sake. Minimal entertainments, minimal meetings and minimal phone calls. Well, sounds familar. Isn't that just exactly described the person sitting next to me, i.e. iboss?
This kind of bullshit comes once every month (u know why) and the underlying reason is very simple - She hates me, period.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Posing or roller coasting
Thursday night, Steph and I met up at Joyce East after work for a drink and shoes posing. It ended up to be a light dinner with dessert and coffee. It was my fault.
I was starving upon arrival, so I asked for some finger food to bite on along with our champagne. Unexpectedly, a delightful antipasto platter was presented. There were smoke salmon with fish roe on egg cake; olives; pate de foie gras on crispy toast; beef cappaccio wrapped around roman lettuce and parma ham on figs. Of course, dessert followed ~ a crispy apple pie with ginger ice cream.
Over the delicious antipasto and peach almond champagne, the two girls were bitching about work, life and relationship. Both long for a roller coaster ride but keep holding back. We are up for the thrill, yet acknowledging the fact that we are unable to take the foreseeable consequences.
Just as we got hurt when putting our fingers to the fire, we learn from experiences and stop ourselves from repeating mistakes. Isn't it painful to hold yourself from chasing after your desire? Okay, again, it is a philosophical discussion.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Ladies Night
No one cares whether I took the offer or not, but me. Simply because I am the only one thinks it is important and it is important to me only.
Put away the phone and start the GMAT exercise.
Spending a quiet night at home is safer.