I always wanted to visit "台北之家" as I have passed by in car for so many times. Finally, I was there this Sunday. The first thing I did was browsing in "誠品". There are quality collection of video (not the 3 for TWD199 type), which I appreciated. The store is just like the magnified version of the tiny video corner at the "誠品敦南店". It is inspiring! I left the store with three movies which I have been wanting to watch.
中毒 (Korean)
戀戀風塵 (Taiwanese)
春去春又來 (Korean)
I was satisfied as I have never imagine to get all three from the same place.
After shopping, I sat myself down at the alfresco cafe on the ground floor of the building. The weather was just nice to sit outdoor, not too hot. I ordered a mocha and nothing else, cos' i have got only enough for a drink. Took out my book and started reading... All of a sudden, I was inspired to write. So I took a pamphlet picked up earlier outside the movie theatre and started writing.
It is about romantic love. After twenty odd years, I thought I understand it, but actually not.
Being a piscesian, I am chasing after "perfect love". But the idea seems to make me sad more than anything. Should I assume "perfect love" equals to happiness? Should "perfect love" equals to "forever"? May be I was wrong.
Wait, who defined "perfect love"? Is it told in fairy tale, movies or TV series? Is it sterotyped by people in the society? Is it only confined to mutual emotional exchange? Is it true that only long lasting relationship means perfect love? How about love at first sight, but not long lasting? Well, there are "Romeo and Juliet" and "梁祝"?
Any reference book available in library? May be only the person in a "perfect love" knows what is "perfect love". I won't give up searching...
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