Thursday, January 05, 2012

2012 resolution

Turning 35, in 2012, I have the following goals:

1) cut down fag to minimal for health reason.
2) again, balanced diet and workout twice a week, fat burn and fight water retention!
3) time management - organize and plan ahead.
4) learn something (could be new sport, hobby or driving!?!)
5) put more thoughts before acting, think wide and think deep!
6) be open with Hun with respect!

Monday, January 02, 2012

2011 new year resolution look back:

1. cut down on fags (to be counted) and coffee (down to one per day) -> if average out, this one I have achieved.

2. balance diet and workout at least twice a week (three time would be ideal). -> i would say barely pass, carry foward. Run another two 10Km race and break personal record (69m59s) -> ran once 10km @ 63m.

3. visit another 3 new destinations. Bali is on the list -> Estonia, Lavia, Lithuanius and Finland, exceeded expectation

4. put more thoughts into everything. think before acting/ speaking. (this is a bit hard to measure, but I will know) -> honestly, there is improvement, but can be better, carry forward.

5. nurture relationship with hun -> progressing well. Be more open with respect. Carry forward.

6. manage emotion better -> learn 淡定學.

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Blog reopened 2012

2011 look back and new year resolutions will be posted!