Thursday, December 27, 2007

Sugar coated waterdrop

他坐在我對面, 一板一眼的說着.
托着腮, 我很留心的聽.

偶而, 他有千份之一秒的猶疑. 到底前面這個人是真的在聽, 還是已夢遊去了.

Monday, December 24, 2007


就當他是那些大學時代的偶像師兄吧! 在校園偶已碰到便高興一整天的那些. 試想想, 他就是我的倒影. 不喜歡喜歡自己的人, 卻偏偏喜歡不喜歡自己的人。


我想告訴你我上星期去過的那間live band 酒吧, 因為我想你也會喜歡。
我想問你是不是最近常去健身房, 因為我看到你手臂上的老鼠仔好像變大了。
我想告訴你我會去完台北再去新加坡, 要一月七号才回來。放假時我可能會想念你。
我想問你聖誕做什麽? 只是好奇而已。

Sunday, December 23, 2007




1. 雙魚座
2. 白羊座
3. 金牛座
4. 雙子座
5. 巨蟹座
6. 獅子座
7. 處女座


我不要別人知道, 不要他知道。

不奢求擁有, 因為自問沒有這本事。

Monday, December 17, 2007

No more Genis Record

I thought I am going to become the Genis Record Holder. Holding the record of non stop chewing the bubble gum for a decade. But today, I annouce I give up chewing the piece of tasteless plastic. The idea of creating the record is stupid enough.

The gum was sweet and fun to chew at the beginning. After some time, I realise I kept chewing the tasteless piece for the sake of challenging the record. I'd like to prove myself right that I could do it a decade or longer.

A phone call just woke me from the meaningless challenge. I annouce that I am spitting the plastic out and walk away without any record.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Call from a stranger

I don't know if it was my bad luck day.

This person shouldn't have called me yet we have talked for almost an hour. She might be calling from the outer space.

She is a stranger to me, yet we shared same experience on the same person. I kept asking her what did she want from me. She said "I just want to know more about him from you." I was very cautious about my words even though the old memories were flooding from deep inside. I could not imagine the consequences if I got too emotional in my answer or if I just hung up on her.

While talking to her, I saw myself. I saw a loser. I am glad that I was standing as an outsider hearing a sad story which I was once in. All I could say is what 5pf used to said to me "you deserve better"

Up to here, 5pf, you must be shaking your head and rolling your eyes. Yes, it is unbelievable, but it happened.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Ran into him while I was on mobile. He greeted me with a smile and walked aside.

The feeling was strange. I do not have any incentive to talk to him. Lost interest, may be. Or I know, I am not going to get back what I expected. If so, why bother.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Do I care?

I finally picked up the phone from Mr. C after the Nth time calling. I can still recall he questioned me why was I not returning his messages and not picking his phone calls.

Before our conversation, I bet he must be holding on to his mobile all day. Tried to call himself and made sure the phone was connected. Checked his sent box to make sure the message was delivered properly. Double and triple check if the device was working well.

It was totally alright that I did not know about all these little emtional roller coaster rides he had gone through. Because I was not told and even if I was, I don't care. I would say he asked for it.

If I meant to meet him in the upcoming party this Christmas, I would feel uneasy. Especially when he brought his better half who looked perfectly together with him. The glow on his face would make me think twice if it was my loss.

Of course, if it really happened, I would stay calm on the face. No one would even noticed about the uneasy feeling.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Have you ever thought of...

without you knowing, someone on earth has been spending ample amount of time to think of you, to analyse your behavior and reaction, to remember what you have said, to talk to friends about you and christmas shopping for you.

Even after years, that someone worries about how to behave when sitting diagonal to you and your current partner at the upcoming party.

Do you care?

Taste of Freedom

Parents took off to Singapore. Mammy will be away for a week. Ming and I are free.

We went to a nice brunch, did our nails and had a hair cut. Then went for a drink with Lisa at Armani Bar before heading home.

The good thing about no "parental guidiance" is that we can be spontaneous.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

That's why life is interesting. Yesterday, Dan and I had no idea where to eat. We just kept walking. He convinced me to start telling my little one sided story along the way.

Not bothered to think twice, we were sucked into Tsui Wah. Sitting side by side, we ordered and kept talking. Believe it or not, the subject of my talk happened to appear in front of us.

Well, all I want to say is "this is fate".

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Love/ Addition

Meredith: In the hospital, we see addiction every day. It’s shocking how many kinds of addiction exist. It would be too easy if it were just drugs and booze and cigarettes. I think the hardest part of kicking a habit is wanting to kick it. I mean, we get addicted for a reason, right? Often, too often, things that start out as just a normal part of your life at some point cross the line to obsessive, compulsive, out of control. It’s the high we’re chasing, the high that makes everything else fade away.

Still, they say you don’t kick the habit until you hit rock bottom, but how do you know when you’re there? Because no matter how badly a thing is hurting us, sometimes letting it go hurts even worse.


Today, I heard a quite creative comment about me -"your mind is like a Kaleidoscope". I took it as a compliment.

Well, too bad he doesn't see this way, or I just do not know.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Killing me softly

At Last... heavenly

Without connection

Wasn't able to connect to internet in the past few days. Bad!

So we met yesterday. Between conscious and unconscious, I avoided any personal talk. I just don't feel there is a need to cross the line. I left the encounter a lot lighter.

Afterwards, I had a total different prospective. It was him who forced me to head this direction.

Monday, December 03, 2007

No big deal

But I am bothered. I surely didn't think too much. Just that his behavior is abnormal. Take a deep deep breathe and move on.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Is that what I want?

"There must be a reason behind everything." That's how we keep our hopes up even when things do not happen in the way we want. May be the reason is as simple as he is not interested.

Here, I annouce the end of an epidsode.

No tears, no hard feelings. Just that we didn't meet at the right space and right timing.

"Better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all." - Saint Augustine