Thursday, September 27, 2007

Dear Blogger, again

I wanted to write about my week... a lot to tell...
too bad it's time for bed. I will leave it for later.

Stay tune.

Friday, September 14, 2007

to be or not to be ... a bitch

I realise I am growing into a real bitch. This traces back to my days in Taipei or Singapore. In order to win, I don't care if I need to raise my voice, pick a fight, threaten people or even lie. Getting what I want is in higher priority than how people perceive me. Of course, the story has to be logical and convincing when it is being retold.

My Captain told me about the dramatic fights in the corporate finance business review. All MDs, both male and female, were confronting each other with no hesitation. Being mean and think skin seems to be one of the prerequisite of being successful.

In the office, being nice doesn't gain you what you want nor any respect. In contrary, being mean and make yourself clear about the demand (if not loud enough, I can be louder), then you are likely to get what you want, with a downside of being called a bitch behind the back.

Do I care? Let those stupid people call me name. I don't really care after I turned 30.

Monday, September 10, 2007


越來越難說出口, 不是不喜歡, 但要想的太多了.

每次坐在他的對面, 我都很想知道關於他的多一點. 可是他懶講, 我也不敢多問. 不敢是為怕知太多我會不再喜歡...

Friday, September 07, 2007

Which is your next?

I am eyeing on Nano...

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

我有一堆看了會心酸得喉嚨像被嗆住了, 卻欲哭無淚的愛情片. 就是因為愛得曖昧, 似是而非.

Lost in Translation


這些戲, 我都喜歡躲起來看.