Sunday, July 30, 2006


looking at the blue sky on my way home, I was daydreaming.
I wish I could touch the cloud, float on it or jump from one to another.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

I am old

I was observing my GMAT classmates from the reflection of the mirror in the elevator. I found that they all look younger.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Hi, I started my GMAT class at Princeton Review. The score of my first "Diagnostic Test" is 470. Good to set a low base, so the improvement will be significant (yeah, this is called self comforting). Blame the late night til 3am before the test. I have to work harder towards my goal.

It was fun sitting in class again. The instructor looks like Mr. Monk, who wore a short sleeves checker shirt, high waist kahki and a pair of plastic slippers. He is from Cleveland and speaks heavy western American English.

I think I need to dig out the gramma books that I used in Form 1 and 2 (Green, Orange and Yellow). Revise the difference between present perfect and past perfect tense...

470, its a shame. Sigh...

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Gain weight

Yeah, I lost my displine and gained weight. Thanks to the new addiction to Coke (original); occassional chips and Doritos; ice-cream/ popstick; 和牛; ceased yoga for 2 months; home cooked meals for the past 2 weeks.

Let's drink more water and tea starting tomorrow. Have vegetarian lunch starting Wednesday (cos' I have lunch commitments tomorrow and day after). Start yoga in August.
So I watched "the Lake house".

I still find it touching even if I knew the storyline and the ending. The script is more or less the same as the Korean version but a bit localised to the Chicago backdrop. Dreamy me enjoyed the movie a lot, even more than the Korean one, as it just met my expectation 101%.

Find part of the soundtrack here

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

White II

Can't wait to show off my long searched sneakers. special thanks to Jas.

Got myself a present, now I am motivated to go to work early and get ready for the battle!

Friday, July 14, 2006

Who cares!?

When I was on my way to work, I was thinking: There is only a few on this earth deserve the title of "true friend".

I was trashed at work today. Chemical in my brain was messed up which brought up some silly thoughts. I called my friend, being certain that she won't judge me no matter how silly I am (she has seen worse). I just need a confirmation from her. When I made the whining noise over the phone, both of us started laughing and the image of me hanging at her partition in the past (when we shared the same office) came up to both our mind.

Just a phone call away, her voice is just like my tranquillizer.

And I just found out she teared at the same movie trailer as I did, although we were thousands miles away.

I am looking forward to our true reunion in March 2008.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

What's next?

New experiences and fresh challenges are a necessity for you. It's one of the many reasons why you're destined for true success. Be watchful -- a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is about to come your way. -> This was my horoscope on 4th July.

iboss submitted her resignation on 3rd, and left by 5th. Now, I am all alone in the department. In the coming days, I have to represent the team, i.e. me, myself and I, in front of senior mgmt.

Meanwhile, I am hoping to have someone in front as my shield. Am I ready to take a step and stand on the stage alone? Preparation, preparation and preparation.

I should go for a big breakfast to start my day tomorrow. Yeah, I should do that.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I believe

I was so tempted to dial his number and find out if he is back in town. My conscious kept me from doing so.

I came across the horoscope love guide. It says, when pisceans encountered failure (or depression), they tend to look for satisfaction through art, e.g. drawing, music, literature or design etc. From there, they are able to reach spiritual peace.

... nodding head... That's why I am writing now.

I have to confess about my curiousity in dating a pisces. Talking to him, I seemed to see through his mind. I saw myself. Scary, isn't it?

Monday, July 10, 2006

Date with Drew

It is just like "the Alchemist", the hero in "A date with Drew", Brian demonstrated the guts of realizing a childhood dream. The movie is not really about Drew Barrymore, but the beauty of chasing after a dream. Yeah, everybody has their dreams, yet how many of them actually work on it? Its a bet, cos you would either win or lose. When one loses, would he/she be able to face it? That's why the "gut" counts!

I have a dream and am in the process to realisation. Yap, I am full of courage to make it true! As Brian said, it is a quest. Nothing is impossible, including dating your teenage idol crush!

The Lake House

Il mare, a Korean movie, is one of my all time favourites. The remake will be up soon. It's called "the Lake House" by Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock.

I have to confess that I was a fan of Keanu, since "My own private Idaho" (til Speed). Click here to play preview of "the Lake House". Listen to the sound track, it's Keane's "Somewhere only we know". I was touched.

Friday, July 07, 2006


All irresponsibles are Losers!

Here are a few examples that I've encountered (and heard from others) just today: -
  • refuses to take up tasks suppose to be done by him/ her.
  • no credibility in his/her words, i.e. duckspeak -> saying things for the sake of saying it.
  • leaving the job without a word to anyone.

Well, who to blame?

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Hidden Camera

I screwed my "Talking off the cuff" training big time, simply because of the video camera. It makes me super nervous.

But I do think the bank should have set a camera today at my client's office. The reason is I think I have done a very good job today handling a threat. I rather stuck my neck out then being threatened. The senior management should witness how I have handled the situation today. Damn the video taken at the training.

I am happy about myself as my long gone fire at work is back for a moment.

Monday, July 03, 2006

a beautiful moment

I rarely post my picture on the blog, but I find it a beautiful moment to share.

Saturday, July 01, 2006


Comtemporary art museum of Barcelona

An absolute contrast color to black. Not neccessarily carrying the opposite emotion. To me, white is quiet, fear and hollow; Indifference, uncertainty and helplessness.

Going to work is just like entering into a big white room which floor, wall and ceiling are painted in white.

I belong in London!?

I should belong in Paris! Why London?
I hate the fact that Fuigo got my ideal result. Wait a min, why is he doing the test anyway as it is just meant for women?