I just can't wait to share with you the pictures taken from the capital of India.

Before I went to Mumbai, I bought a bottle of 1.5 litre mineral water. I have heard enough stories about "food poisoning". Arriving at mid night, the street was surprisingly busy. There were people wandering on the street and homeless sleeping at the pedestrian path. We were brought to the Inter Continental by the sea which we spent the next two days for training.
Out of expectation, we got half day off. The three girls exchanged some rupee and headed out to "Gateway of India" for shopping. A little history on "Gateway of India"; it was built by George V to remember the port which the British first entered into the country. Further down the road, there are stalls lining up, selling clothes (those white indian style shirts selling at one tenth of Zara's price); bags with excellent embroideries and beads; shoes; accessories; shawes; antique and stationaries.
On the street, there were a lot of children beggers. Here is the story of my entercounter with one, a single eyed boy. He kept padding on my arm and said "Hello, I don't want your money. Just buy me milk. I want milk." I went on without looking at him as I knew I am softhearted. He kept on asking from one block to the next. At the third block, I started speaking Cantonese to him and hoped that he would give up. But he didn't. Finally, until the fifth block, I took out some chewing gum and placed it on his little palm. Then he disappeared. In the bottom of my heart, I hope he didn't swallow...
Late afternoon, we were walking along the seaside, I dropped my jaw when looking at the sunset. It could be as beautiful no matter how developed the country is. That's the power of nature.