2011 new year resolution look back:
1. cut down on fags (to be counted) and coffee (down to one per day) -> if average out, this one I have achieved.
2. balance diet and workout at least twice a week (three time would be ideal). -> i would say barely pass, carry foward. Run another two 10Km race and break personal record (69m59s) -> ran once 10km @ 63m.
3. visit another 3 new destinations. Bali is on the list -> Estonia, Lavia, Lithuanius and Finland, exceeded expectation
4. put more thoughts into everything. think before acting/ speaking. (this is a bit hard to measure, but I will know) -> honestly, there is improvement, but can be better, carry forward.
5. nurture relationship with hun -> progressing well. Be more open with respect. Carry forward.
6. manage emotion better -> learn 淡定學.